Newton’s First Law Isn’t Just for Nerds

This past week was a teaser. 

It was absolutely beautiful here in Southwest Ohio. 

We got that little taste of Fall. 

Temps in the 70-to-80-degree range.

Slight breeze.


The nights were crisp and a bit chilly. 

Perfect sleeping weather. 

Preseason NFL Football is over and the season is right around the corner.

College football is in full gear with Week 0 in the books (What a spoiler on Saturday!)

It was a great week. 

And I caught myself getting lazy. 

Now before I jump into Newton’s Law, I need to ask you a favor. If there is anyone that you think this would resonate with or you just think they would like it, please share this newsletter. 

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For those of you who missed it. 

I have been on quite the journey over the past 8 months. 

I've lost 60 lbs. 

Started KLD Wealth.

Moved back to Ohio. 

Things are going in a good direction. 

But I caught myself getting the urge to stop doing the necessary things.

Because I felt comfortable. 

And I felt OK being lazy. 

It got me to thinking. 

And remembering how I felt almost 240 days ago.

It was New Year's Eve. 

Our family had decided to partake in the 75 Hard Challenge. 

Day 1 was New Year's Day. 

I hadn't worked out consistently in a long time. 

My diet sucked. 

I was worried about the challenge. 

But then I realized.

I just needed to start. 

And go to the next point. 

Let momentum take over! 

One day became two. 

Two became three. 

Three became a month. 

Pretty soon, 75 days and the challenge was over. 

Newton's First Law of Motion states:

An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. 

(And I know it's legit because that's straight from NASA's website)

That first law is describing inertia. 

The thing about inertia is... it doesn't have to be just about physics. 

And it isn't. 

Our minds will allow "inertia" to take over in the form of:

Status Quo Bias. 

Cognitive Dissonance. 


Behavioral inertia (who knew?!)



Sunk Cost Fallacy. 

To name a few. (I promise to cover each in more detail in a blog soon!)

This inertia can make it hard to do the necessary things. 

But at the same time, can be harnessed for good! 

I got back in gear and started walking and drinking my water.

Baby steps.

So, what is bothering you? 

What changes do you want to make for the positive? 

What's your first step? 

Drop me a line and let me know.

But most importantly, have an amazing week.


P.S. In case you missed it, we are trying to grow this newsletter and help more people. Be part of the solution and help your friends and family?