Wealth Trifecta Starts with YOU

Two weeks ago, I posed a question. 

And introduced a concept. 

In case you missed it, you can check it out HERE.

The concept I introduced was the Wealth Trifecta. 

An idea of wealth that required the balancing of 3 areas.




Today, I want to focus on the most important. 


Now before I jump into what is YOU, I need to ask you a favor. If there is anyone that you think this would resonate with or you just think they would like it, please share this newsletter.

Now to understand YOU we need to dive into one of the most complex machines ever created. 

The human being. 




David.... are you crazy?

Hang with me. 

What are we made of? 

The quick answer could be billions of cells or carbon. 

But I have a more simplistic, less "science-y?" version. 

You are composed of three parts. 

Your Physical part. 

Your Mental part. 


Your Spiritual part. 

Each need attention. 

The focus should be on balance. 

If you spend all your time on mental tasks and your mind.

Your body breaks down. 

If you spend all your time building your body.

Your spirit breaks down. 

A broken spirit pulls down the mind. 

And you have this endless spiral and lack of fulfillment. 

I've been there. 

The pursuit of status, money, and materialistic things made me ignore the body.

And I paid for it. 

The lack of energy. 

Lack of fulfillment. 

It became a doom loop. 

Now the good news is...

It can be broken. 

Taking care of yourself physically has become a turning point in my life. 

And now I see it more than ever. 

Clients and prospects that fail to take care of themselves are wishing, praying, PAYING for health.

According to CDC... 

Poor health accounts for 90% of the $4.5 TRILLION spent annually.

Physical inactivity is projected to cost the nation $117 BILLION alone! 

Getting up and active is a low bar. 

The Mayo Clinic recommends 22 minutes a day (150 minutes / 7 days)... 

22 minutes! 

That could be over in a blink. 

And it could be fun!

A simple walk outside with your loved ones after dinner could be a game changer. 

Not only will your body thank you.

But so will your bank account. 

After all, the two largest costs in retirement are taxes and medical expenses. 

So, focusing on the PHYSICAL part of YOU will pay dividends!

Get out and get active. 

It doesn't have to be extreme.

Take it a little at a time. 


Understand you cannot pour from an empty cup. 

Start with getting yourself active.

Then work on your spouse or partner. 

Just like dollars and cents. 

Fitness compounds. 

Stack the successes. 

You'll make progress.

Do you or someone you know, need to focus on the physical portion of YOU? 

Share this newsletter with them. 

Get started! 

And stay tuned over the following weeks as we unpack the rest of the Wealth Trifecta. 

But most importantly.

Have a great week.


P.S. In case you missed it, we are trying to grow this newsletter and help more people. Be part of the solution and help your friends and family?

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